The community is located within the CVWR, so it should be well protected. It is very near the CVWR border. The community is surrounded by a Populus tremuloides clone. It is also adjacent to an almost pure stand of Scirpus cyperinus to the North and a Typha patch to the south. The landscape slopes back north toward the upland not south towards the main valley.;Open sunny and wet sedge meadow dominated by Carex lacustris. The community is growing both in the open and under a canopy of Populus tremuloides. The area is seepage fed. Many of the aspen clones on the edges of the opening are dead or dying. It seems wetter here than in the other aspen clones surveyed. Perhaps the aspen is on its way out and the C. lacustris is invading. The sedge has a deep tap root and can take advantage of the circumneutral soil below the peat. Woody debris found in 2 auger holes. The plot slopes north towards a Scirpus patch.
The plot takes up about 1/4 of the community. This plot is a small patch sedge meadow. The plot was placed to accentuate the Carex lacustris. We have 2 other plots of this type that differ by being located on more active floodplains. This is the largest o